Wednesday, February 23, 2011

school and working and climbing and hustleing

I know your busy.... everyone is busy.

Well im busy , making chick-sharks in photoshop. They remind me of women, soft and cute but cunning hunters.

 i was thinking about how people will say they the same things. Such as

1. Driving, everyone is a good driver, and you never do the things that you yell at other people for, like driving to slow or stopping at an intersection with no stop sign. YOU have never done these things because your a good driver.

2. Shooting. ( men only ) All men can handle a gun, and for that matter all men are tough, unless your gay then its omits you from this role. Fire starting and conflict resolution also fall in hear. What? you have a problem... come to me, I'm a man, and i will fix it for you.

3. Busy. Every person says this when confronted with not training enough " I've been so busy" yeah you and the rest of the human race. the truth, your busy when it comes to doing this you don't want to do. I know what you will say, i have to work so i cant train. Fine , but that is a choice. I have been locked in a prison cell that was the only time in my life i had no choice, it feels different from being at work. Trust me.

4. Touchy feely business. Men and women ,everyone is good in bed. When was the last time you met some one and they were like " awe man i am terrible in bed" . Doesn't happened because people must be soooo busy practicing while driving and shooting their damn guns.

Anyway I'm done ranting , its tiring being right all the time.

When i wasn't busy witnessing the human condition on Tuesday i was climbing with Skyler Weekes.

Here are some photos from the day.

Does anyone know anything about this boulder problem,  or even if its been done.

well i didn't do it either. But i tried it and i want to go back , its tall and hard.

On a side note, i am writing blog posts for Jansport. If you want to check them out read here:

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm sure there is more to the story, but I think Johnny G put that up years ago. It use to have that huge flake that isn't there now (looked like africa). Pretty sure johnny's ascent was after it broke.

