This is our friend "the wind tower"... not the steepest nor the tallest, this rock offers very little to a climber who has passed out of gumby hood.... with that said , if you are willing to un-rope and for go the limitations of gear you can have a blast making mega link ups on this piece of Eldo magic... here is my link up.
This is a picture to get your bearings.

The 5.6 10 pitch linkup
(each pitch is worth a point)
start by climbing "the bomb" 5.4 and take it all the way to the true summit of the wind tower ( 3 points)
descend via down climbing where the rap anchors are located on the north west side of the feature
on your way down the trail stop at "wind ridge" 5.6 or 5.8 depending on how you go. Climb this route all the way to the top making sure to take delight in climbing the weird roof at the top of the second pitch. ( 3 points)
Down climb from the top as you would go up the bomb but after reaching the rap anchors at the top of the second pitch for the bomb descend "recon" 5.6 (2 points)
once at the bottom walk slightly up hill and climb "calypso" 5.6 (2 points)
down climb "boulder direct" 5.5 ( 1 point)